The Future of Food: Arresting Africa’s Nutrition Transition

The Future of Food: Arresting Africa’s Nutrition Transition

On 20 June 2024, Aspen Initiative Africa – Nairobi hosted a webinar to address Africa’s nutrition transition.” The session was convened with prominent experts to discuss the significant dietary changes occurring across the African continent…


Following our 2022 launch, the Aspen Africa Initiative in Nairobi started strong as the first African member of the Aspen International Partner Network. We resolved to equip leaders in Africa and around the world in…
Aspen International Partner Moderator Workshop

Aspen International Partner Moderator Workshop

AIA-N nominated Mucai Kunyiha to participate in the Aspen International Partner Moderator workshop in Bucharest, from October 4th to 7th, 2023, hosted by the Aspen Institute Romania in collaboration with the Aspen Institute. During the…


AIA-N signed a memorandum of understanding establishing a strategic partnership with the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) East Africa Chapter in December 2023. ANDE is a global network of organizations that propel entrepreneurship in…
Aspen Meadows Moderator Training

Aspen Meadows Moderator Training

AIA-N aims to enhance its capacity for leading dialogue by expanding and empowering its moderator corps in Africa. Through mini-lecture-style training, participants learn from both structured content and peer interaction. Dr. Laila Macharia was nominated…
Roundtable Series with Ananta Aspen Centre, India​

Roundtable Series with Ananta Aspen Centre, India​

Dr. Laila Macharia represented AIA-N during the third and fourth editions of Ananta Aspen Center’s virtual roundtable series on China’s Foreign Policy. Themed “China-Africa Relations: Prospects and Risks” and “Chinese Footprint in East Africa” respectively,…
AIA-N Joins the 16th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table

AIA-N Joins the 16th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table

Dr. Laila Macharia joined the 16th eLearning Africa Ministerial Roundtable held in Kigali, Rwanda. The roundtable was held in conjunction with the eLearning Africa Conference to facilitate open dialogue and generate actionable recommendations for shaping…
Dr. Laila Macharia Delivers Keynote Speech at the 17th eLearning Africa Conference in Kigali

Dr. Laila Macharia Delivers Keynote Speech at the 17th eLearning Africa Conference in Kigali

The rapid advancement of technology is transforming the world of work. African governments, private sectors, academics, and entrepreneurs are collaborating to create a roadmap for navigating the workplace of the future. In Kigali, hundreds of…
AIA-N Joins the 2024 African Development Bank Annual Meetings on Sustainable Financing

AIA-N Joins the 2024 African Development Bank Annual Meetings on Sustainable Financing

Aspen Initiative Africa was honoured to take part in the 2024 AfDB Annual Meetings on May 30, 2024. Hosted by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), UN Futures Lab, and the Institute of Economic Affairs, this…