Category Archives for Uncategorized

The Future of Food: Arresting Africa’s Nutrition Transition
On 20 June 2024, Aspen Initiative Africa – Nairobi hosted a webinar to address Africa’s nutrition transition.” The session was convened with prominent experts to discuss the significant dietary changes occurring across the African continent…

AIA-N signed a memorandum of understanding establishing a strategic partnership with the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) East Africa Chapter in December 2023. ANDE is a global network of organizations that propel entrepreneurship in…

Aspen Meadows Moderator Training
AIA-N aims to enhance its capacity for leading dialogue by expanding and empowering its moderator corps in Africa. Through mini-lecture-style training, participants learn from both structured content and peer interaction. Dr. Laila Macharia was nominated…

Roundtable Series with Ananta Aspen Centre, India
Dr. Laila Macharia represented AIA-N during the third and fourth editions of Ananta Aspen Center’s virtual roundtable series on China’s Foreign Policy. Themed “China-Africa Relations: Prospects and Risks” and “Chinese Footprint in East Africa” respectively,…