Philosophy Friday: The Sangoma in Africa's Closet

The Sangoma, mganga or dibia is revered in Africa as the custodian of history, culture and tradition. The reliable port of call when all else has failed, the African Shaman promises tangible results for those seeking good fortune, healing and spiritual guidance. Even Africans who shun witchdoctors commonly blend their Christian and Islamic beliefs with African animist spirituality, participating in rituals during dowry payments, child naming ceremonies, and rites of passage. Some, fearing disapproval and ridicule, discreetly seek the services of a witch doctor or wear protective charms and amulets. African spirituality is a rich tapestry of beliefs, practices and traditions. Is this natural and desirable or just hypocritical? Is religious integrity a worthy aspiration? This thought-provoking discussion will explore the disparity between professed beliefs and actual religious practices in Africa. About Philosophy Friday AIA Nairobi exists to provide the spaces, and tools for critical thinking, a cosmopolitan mindset and smarter conversations. Committed to advancing the Aspen Institute’s mission, we aim to drive change in Africa and the world through dialogue, leadership and action to help solve the greatest challenges of our time. Philosophy Friday presents a refreshing escape from the relentless buzz of digital communication allowing you to explore new viewpoints, beliefs, and perspectives with like-minded individuals. Half-networking, half-conversation, Philosophy Friday is the only moderated forum in Nairobi that dives into intriguing philosophical questions while interweaving African perspectives.   What’s In Store The first edition of Philosophy Friday will explore ‘religious straddling’ in Africa through the revelatory lens of African thinkers. Upon registration, attendees will receive readings ahead of time, among them Wayne Visser’s poem, Sangoma in Our Closet. Attendees will share learnings and takeaways in a moderated dialogue alongside a dynamic community of thinkers who thrive on philosophical conversations and debates. Get ready to immerse yourself in the topic while tantalizing your taste buds with delicious drinks and canapés. Our seasoned moderator will steer the conversation, guiding you from opening statements into an open-flow debate. Whether you're craving a more intellectually challenging circle or are simply curious about the theme, this event promises to be an enriching experience. Join us as we explore captivating topics, build connections, and broaden our perspectives. What to Bring With You

  • Curiosity: Explore different ideas and perspectives
  • Humility: Respect others' perspectives and be receptive to different viewpoints
  • Active listening: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
  • A willingness to engage: Share your point of view readily and bravely.
  • A well-read mind: Harness your reservoir of knowledge to enrich the conversation.

26 Apr
Philosophy Friday: The Sangoma in Africa’s Closet
  • Venue: Villa Rosa Kempinski, Nairobi
  • Email: