On 20 June 2024, Aspen Initiative Africa – Nairobi hosted a webinar to address Africa’s nutrition transition.” The session was convened with prominent experts to discuss the significant dietary changes occurring across the African continent…
Following our 2022 launch, the Aspen Africa Initiative in Nairobi started strong as the first African member of the Aspen International Partner Network. We resolved to equip leaders in Africa and around the world in…
What works in conservation in Africa? What aspects are failing to grab headlines, and what valuable lessons can we extract from the regions in Africa where conservation efforts have flourished? How feasible is it to…
The topic of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) sparks considerable debate. Scientists, experts, and the general public are divided on the issue, with some asserting that GMOs have the potential to alleviate world hunger, poverty, and…
In a world grappling with climate change and food insecurity, Kenzugi provides a beacon of innovation, aiming to repair and enrich the agricultural fabric of our planet. Originating from a thorough dialogue among agricultural pioneers,…